<%@ page contentType='text/plain' %>
Revision 2
Added Wed Mar 29 18:47:37 2006 UTC (5 months ago) by svn
File length: 3 byte(s)
Initial Import
Revision 12
Modified Tue Apr 4 17:38:20 2006 UTC (4 months, 3 weeks ago) by jskulski
File length: 7 byte(s)
Diff to previous 2
Revision 29
Modified Mon Apr 10 15:54:24 2006 UTC (4 months, 2 weeks ago) by jskulski
File length: 11 byte(s)
Diff to previous 12
- Added :D to happy.jsp because:
- Forgot to mention on last commit, Ad Taker now selects first_start_date onLoad/default.
Revision 31
Modified Mon Apr 10 18:04:37 2006 UTC (4 months, 2 weeks ago) by josh
File length: 16 byte(s)
Diff to previous 29
Revision 41
Modified Fri Apr 14 14:03:29 2006 UTC (4 months, 2 weeks ago) by jskulski
File length: 21 byte(s)
Diff to previous 31
Revision 51
Modified Mon Apr 17 13:52:28 2006 UTC (4 months, 1 week ago) by josh
File length: 27 byte(s)
Diff to previous 41
Added onlooker who was surprised by the two martian smiley faces.
D: D: D: D: D: oh no martians
Revision 53
Modified Mon Apr 17 19:52:51 2006 UTC (4 months, 1 week ago) by jskulski
File length: 57 byte(s)
Diff to previous 51
Last commit was early, so here is what changed last commit:
- Moved all my javascript to /catfood/ad.js
- Started using style sheets (/catfood/cp.css)
- Removed buttons for utils/rates, added <ul>'s with txt links.
- Rewrote sample_ad to get correct sample ad
- Rewrote upsells. Now faster, stronger, better.
- Corrected paths in bolderizer/html_includes to reflect /catfood/
- Big rewrite of rates.jsp. Schedules now use cool css stuffs and not crappy js_arrays.
- Took __2 HOURS__ to sort session names in show_session.jsp
For reference, to do this in perl
@ar = sort @ar;
or possibly
@ar = sort { $a cmp $b } @ar;
That took me about 3 seconds to write and about 5 seconds to google to make sure I'm correc.t
Java, you is fired.
This commit:
- removed debugging info from upsells.jsp
- added more crowd reaction to the impending dangers of martians.
| ============== Death Ray =======*
Revision 56
Modified Mon Apr 17 21:03:12 2006 UTC (4 months, 1 week ago) by josh
File length: 104 byte(s)
Diff to previous 53
Updated the login page and added a Death Ray.
x_x x_x x_x :(
Revision 79
Modified Mon Apr 24 21:57:28 2006 UTC (4 months ago) by jskulski
File length: 164 byte(s)
Diff to previous 65
Added dead people and the omega man (who is very sad) because of josh's wildly irresponsible death ray use.
>::( Fools! You will be forced to use Java!
Resistance is most likely not going to get you anywhere!
Revision 81
Modified Wed Apr 26 16:56:26 2006 UTC (4 months ago) by josh
File length: 274 byte(s)
Diff to previous 79
Added Super-Duper Mega Awesome message board
:D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D
;) now baby, let's get to rebuilding the populace.
:) tehe oh, omega man, you're so charming!
Revision 82
Modified Fri Apr 28 14:10:51 2006 UTC (4 months ago) by jskulski
File length: 497 byte(s)
Diff to previous 81
- Moved rate_engine.jsp to ad_details.jsp, since it no longer does any rating.
Made changes to reflect this.
- Added a couple of js functions to save things into the session by various methods.
- Added properties/options/propOpts functionality. Right now, for everything you select make/model/year, will
need to change this so that it only shows up (or the correct propOpts show up) for the right category/classification.
- The humans have defeated the martians.
:-)8 (bow-tie)
Revision 87
Modified Wed May 3 14:35:52 2006 UTC (3 months, 3 weeks ago) by josh
File length: 513 byte(s)
Diff to previous 82
The cats in the cradle with the silver spoon.
:(|) monkey
(or man eating hamburger)
Revision 90
Modified Thu May 4 16:19:23 2006 UTC (3 months, 3 weeks ago) by jskulski
File length: 557 byte(s)
Diff to previous 87
- Changed the way I calculate the end date. Used to use the start date select box options, now it gets
a string of the start_date, makes a calendar and adds the days.
- Cleaned up a few old beans. Added AdBean which should have been added prior to this.
- adBody, startDate and days now reside in the Adbean
- Writes basic customer and ad info to the database. Makes it all the way to the billing page.
.-) (pirate. or LG symbol)
Revision 115
Modified Thu May 11 19:46:13 2006 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by josh
File length: 586 byte(s)
Diff to previous 90
the martians have enslaved the new human race and force
them to work in the java mines on Io.
::D ::D
:( :( :( :( :( :(
Revision 121
Modified Wed May 17 13:43:56 2006 UTC (3 months, 1 week ago) by jskulski
File length: 742 byte(s)
Diff to previous 115
- calculate_upsells now uses the right column names reflecting the changed upsell/pkg rates tables.
Not sure why this didn't pop up before? It was pointing at the new (UPSELL_RATES) table. Weird.
- Added a billing bean to handle credit card/chk_by_phone info. Not sure if this is safe or what.
- Clone Ad now reproduces the Upsells
- Upsells are now persistent if it exists in both package's list of upsells.
(If U01 is selected and the user changes the package, if U01 exists in the new list of upsells, it is selected.)
- Clone Ad now reproduces Properties.
- session_to_db (which needs to be replaced) now writes the billingInfo to the page.
- Billing page now asks for CC/CHK_BY_PHONE info. Stores it in the bean.
- Martian have enslaved the humans.
:*) Rudolf will save us!
Revision 129
Modified Thu May 18 21:01:14 2006 UTC (3 months, 1 week ago) by josh
File length: 768 byte(s)
Diff to previous 121
happy happy
>:(|) hamburger monkey is back to defeat rudolf. and he's pissed.
Revision 137
Modified Fri May 19 18:37:08 2006 UTC (3 months, 1 week ago) by jskulski
File length: 836 byte(s)
Diff to previous 129
Reflected new bean package structure.
=|:-)Z Uncle Sam, uses monkey grab!
Revision 162
Modified Tue May 30 13:05:10 2006 UTC (2 months, 4 weeks ago) by josh
File length: 874 byte(s)
Diff to previous 137
Uncle Sam!
<:E I choose you! guy from mario bros. world 2-2.
Revision 207
Modified Fri Jul 14 15:41:21 2006 UTC (6 weeks, 3 days ago) by jskulski
File length: 927 byte(s)
Diff to previous 167
holy christ i don't even know what i did since last commit. sry josh.
(:; No silly. That guy's from 1-3
Revision 282
Modified Fri Aug 18 13:17:16 2006 UTC (11 days, 1 hour ago) by josh
File length: 964 byte(s)
Diff to previous 207
(loosely related)
hi jonathan.
hi jonathan. haven't heard from you in a while.
hi josh!
hi dad!
hi jonathan!
hi jonathan!
hello? who is this
hi jonathan!
hi jonathan!
finally! someone let me out of my cage!