Finally got on the SSL bandwagon but the switch over has made me more disenfranchised
with frameworks than ever. Versions change, upgrades, dependencies, and all for a site
that's little more than a frontend playground. Slowly moving everything back to
plain ol HTML.
Started migrating site to new framework for
easier maintenance.
Added Tar Notes,
fixed an offline issue with HTML5/Geolocation Dashboard
Added The Playground with:
CSS3 Multi-Column Layout Test,
Textarea that fills it's Container, and an
HTML5 Audio Test
Spring 3 Controller Notes
Tomcat Instance Notes
Made a Connect Four game
in html/js (jquery).
2010.06.29 Added
Reading Local Files With
HTML5 And Javascript.
2010.06.24 Added
HTML5 Geolocation testing.
Starting the migration (of this site) from my old Perl framework (basically a PHP-ish knockoff)
to a new one I lovingly call, Modi. It's a fully MVC Framework written in perl with Dependency
Injection. It is based heavily on the Spring Framework
for Java (though, not nearly as comprehensive). I will release it soon as an open source project.
Please contact me if a Perl MVC DI (IOC) Framework is something that
interests you.
2008.12.20 Added
Windows section to the notes with
MD5 Checksum for Windows.
2007.09.13 Added General
Linux Commands.
2007.09.13 Added
Bash Notes.
2007.06.11 Added
Samba Notes.
2007.03.24 Added my version
of the IROPA.
2007.03.08 Added Linux Notes
2007.03.07 Updated MySQL notes
2007.03.04 Added SVN notes
2007.03.04 Updated MySQL notes
2007.03.02 Added SSH notes